Finding the right person is a crap thing. It’s about damn skills, freaking ambition, the right personality, well…the perfect blend. We know you are out there. We want to meet you. Even if you are from abroad! Don’t be afraid, give us a SHOUT. Show us what you are all about. It’s a small world, we’ll find ya eventually.


Do you have the eye for making things look just right? Sweetening it up? Putting it all together? You got to talk to US! Especially if you know your way around Nuke blindfolded!! We don’t just look for a pure breed operator- oh no we don’t!! We look for someone who wants to be on set. Logging it all down, doing the prep work for the sfx shots, masterfully. It’s about realism, an eye for the fine things in life. Hey and if you could throw a little bit of coloring in the mix with DaVinci, you’re in.


Starting out is a handful, hoping for someone to open the door would be a blessing. We have come across a lot of portfolios, but you always can tell if someone has potential, the signs are there. The portfolio doesn’t need to be massive, we just want to see the light. Well, you should know your way around the tools, you know,  adobe, maybe even some 3D apps, etc….

We are looking forward to meet ya mate. Ok, honestly, if you’re out there, come by.